Friday, April 4, 2014

Algebra 2 Vacation Challenge!

While I hope that you have a relaxing and fun Spring break, I also hope that you keep math in the back of your mind.  In an effort to aid you, I am offering an extra credit project.

You must answer the following math problems.  HOWEVER, the answer will not be turned in on paper.  You must find a creative way to produce the answer that is related to how you're spending your vacation.  Some examples include, but are not limited to:

Writing the answer with a stick in sand on a beach.
Writing it on a napkin on a plane ride.
Writing the answer using Lego blocks or snack food.
Acting out the question dramatically.
Draw your answer in an artistically fancy way.

I will accept answers in the form of a digital image or video.  You may email your response to my school email at  This is due BEFORE you return to school at 7:30 on 4/14.

Points.  1 point per problem for correctness.  1 point for being creative.  I will put any extra points wherever they are needed in your grade book.

The problems:

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